Mon-Sat 9.00-15:00



Published: January 8, 2021 at 1:37 PM

(A) The Constitution of Benches of the Court of Appeal from 18th January 2021, which shall be operative until further notice, is set out in the Schedule hereof.

(B) In all matters, the Rules of the Court of Appeal shall be applied and followed in a uniform, consistent and fair manner.

(C) Once an argument commences, all Counsel shall endeavour to conclude oral submissions on the same day. However, if conclusion of the argument cannot be reached on the same day, further argument shall be fixed for a date within the shortest possible time, and if that is not possible, within the following three weeks, and not beyond.

(D) Where argument has been concluded and judgment has been reserved before a Bench of which one or more of the Judges has since been elevated to the Supreme Court, such matter shall be mentioned before the remaining Judge before whom that matter was argued. The remaining Judge shall inquire from the parties whether they wish to re-argue the matter or whether they would acquiesce with the remaining Judge pronouncing the judgment by himself. In the event of the parties indicating that they wish to re-argue the matter, such matter shall be referred directly to the Division of this Court which has been assigned the hearing of such matter in terms of this Notice.

(E) All partly heard matters will resume before the same Bench, on the date specified on the last date of hearing, at 1.30 p.m. in the Court Room in which the Presiding Judge of that Bench is sitting in terms of this Notice.

(F) Where a specially constituted Bench has been nominated to hear and determine a matter, and any one or more of the Judges of that Bench have been elevated to the Supreme Court, such matter shall be referred to the President of the Court of Appeal, who may refer such matter to the Division of this Court which has now been assigned the hearing of such matter in terms of this Notice, or who may nominate a special Bench to hear and conclude such matter.

(G) All other matters where a specially constituted Bench has been nominated shall be taken up before the same Bench, at 1.30 p.m. in the Court Room in which the Presiding Judge of that Bench is sitting in terms of this Notice.

On this 8th day of January 2021
By Order of the Hon. President of the Court of Appeal


Court Room No.BenchNature of Work
 301   Hon. Justice Arjuna Obeyesekere, PCAHon. Justice Mayadunne Corea*Writ applications filed from 1st January 2021.*Writ applications filed in 2020*Writ applications filed in 2019 that are listed to be mentioned.*Contempt of Court Applications*Admiralty Cases*Transfer applications*Appeals under the Right to Information Act*Expulsion cases*Election Petition cases*Any other matter not referred to in this Notice 
 107   Hon. Justice K. Priyantha FernandoHon. Justice Sampath B. Abayakoon *All High Court Criminal Appeals filed in 2019 and filed from 1st January 2021 onwards*Writ applications filed from 1st January 2006 – 31st December 2009 
 205  Hon. Justice N. Bandula KarunaratneHon. Justice R. Gurusinghe  *High Court Criminal Appeals filed upto 31st December 2018 and in 2020, bearing odd numbers 
 302  Hon. Justice Ruwan FernandoHon. Justice M. Sampath K.B.  Wijeratne *Inland Revenue – Cases stated by the Tax Appeals Commission in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.*All Cases stated by the Tax Appeals Commission from 1st January 2021. 
 110  Hon. Justice Devika AbeyratneHon. Justice P. Kumararatnam  *High Court Criminal Appeals filed upto 31st December 2018 and in 2020, bearing even numbers 
 303  Hon. Justice Sobhitha RajakarunaHon. Justice Dhammika Ganepola *Writ applications filed in 2019 that have been listed / will be listed for argument*Writ applications filed in 2019 that are listed for support. 
 204  Hon. Justice Menaka WijesunderaHon. Justice Neil Iddawela /Appeals and Revision applications from the Provincial High Court (Criminal cases)*Bail applications*Extradition Cases*Leave to appeal applications (Criminal)*MCR applications*Criminal Miscellaneous applications
 108  Hon. Justice D.N. SamarakoonHon. Justice Pradeep Kirtisinghe *Inland Revenue – Cases stated by the Board of Review / Tax Appeals Commission and filed upto 2016*Final Appeals from District Court Judgments – filed from 1st January 2000 – 31st December2002*Restitutio in Integrum applications 
 109  Hon. Justice Prasantha De SilvaHon. Justice S.U. B. Karaliyadda *Appeals and Revision applications from the Provincial High Court (Civil cases)*Land Acquisition Board of Review cases*Leave to Appeal applications (Civil) 
 206  Hon. Justice M.T. Mohammed LaffarHon. Justice K.K.A.V. Swarnadhipathi *Writ applications filed from 1st January 2010 until 31st December 2018*Final Appeals from District Court Judgments – filed until 31st December 1999*Appeals from the Wakfs Board

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