Mon-Sat 9.00-15:00


Notice 12/19/2024

Published: December 27, 2024 at 5:51 AM

The Court of Appeal is scheduled to move to the new building  (Old Ministry of Justice Building) from 01st January 2025. Since  the shifting process starts from the 23rd December 2024, the  Registry will be operating with limited services to cater only to  very urgent requirements.  

Therefore, to avoid any disruptions, Attorneys-at-Law and  litigants are kindly requested to file urgent matters well in  advance.  

Services such as issuing certified copies of Journal Entries,  Proceedings, Orders, Judgments, Case Records etc.,  will recommence only after the 17th of January 2025.  

Please note that any changes to this schedule will be subject to  further notice, which will be duly communicated.  

The Registry apologizes for any inconvenience caused in this  regard.

Thank you.  

Registrar of the Court of Appeal  

19th December 2024 

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