Mon-Sat 9.00-15:00


Notice No.4/2021

Published: January 15, 2021 at 10:55 AM

 1) All mention matters listed before Hon. Arjuna Obeyesekere, J, President of the Court of Appeal and Hon. Mayadunne Corea, J in Court No. 301 will be taken up at 9.30 a.m., from 18th January 2021 until further notice. Upon conclusion of the mention list, the Court will adjourn for 10 minutes. All other matters listed in Court No. 301 will only be taken up after such adjournment, or at 10.00 am, whichever is later. In view of the COVID-19 Guidelines, Attorneys-at-Iaw appearing in such other matters are requested to refrain from being present in Court until the conclusion of the mention list.

2) All matters listed before Hon. Menaka Wijesundera, J and Hon. Niel lddawela, J in Court No. 204 will be taken up at 9. 30a.m, from 18th January 2021 until further notice.

3) All matters listed before Hon. M. Prasantha De Silva, J and Hon. S.U. B. Karaliyadda, J in Court No. 109 will be taken up before Hon. M. Prasantha De Silva, J and Hon. S.U. B. Karaliyadda, J at 12.30 p.m., in Court No. 204, from 18th January 2021 until further notice. due to the unavailability of Court No. 109.

4) Sittings of all Divisions of the Court of Appeal shall commence at 10.45 a.m. on 20th and 21st January 2021.

By Order of the Hon. President of the Court of Appeal


On this 15th day of January 2021

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