Mon-Sat 9.00-15:00



I have been directed by the Hon. President of the Court of Appeal to inform the Parties and Attorneys, in cases which are in the nature of Applications, that when Notices, Stay Orders, Interim Orders, etc. are issued or extended and are to be conveyed to the Respondents, it is the duty of the Petitioner or the party moving for such notice, order or extension, to furnish sufficiently stamped envelopes with postal lists for such documents to be dispatched to the Respondents.

I am also directed to inform the Parties and the Attorneys that when directions are made by court to convey Stay, Interim, Enjoining Orders as well as extensions thereof, via telephone and fax, the Petitioner or the Party moving for such communication has to bear the cost of such communication prior to / at the time of communication.

Please note that no Order will be conveyed until the party or the Attorneys take steps as aforementioned and the Registrar will hold no responsibility for non communication.

It is the duty of the Parties and/ or Attorneys to furnish telephone and fax numbers, email addresses etc. of the Respondents for effective communication of Orders, Notices and Extensions without delay.

Attorneys who file proxy at the Court of Appeal are kindly requested to furnish their addresses, telephone and fax numbers and email addresses for effective communication with the Registrar.

Please note that this directive applies to cases in the nature of “Applications” and not to “Appeals”.

 By the order of Court

Registrar of the Court of Appeal

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